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Custom Suits > Tailor Made Suits Online In SpecialTailor

Tailor Made Suits Online:Customer DM

Tailor Made Suits Online In SpecialTailor


No.270:Customer DM

(NOTEThe photos are voluntarily taken by the clientplease do not compare with those images of clothes which are wear on the mannequinsand these photos also differ from the images which are made and revised ​​in the studio.)


Dear specialtailor,

Greetings, I am writing this letter to thank you for your kind service of my new custom suit. It’s nothing but perfection. You have shown great understanding when I propose my requirements, and that is certain to help increase our future cooperation. I’m looking forward to receiving my three other shirts. I will most definitely return as a customer and will highly recommend your website. Your customer service is a refreshment of excellence.

Thanks again.

Photos of tailor made suits: